Tienes Talento. :3
He mirado este flash varias veces y como tus otros flashes, siempre me anima a praticar mi FBF. Tus flashes me entretienen bastante. Eres un gran ejemplo para el KK y tambien para NG.
Bien hecho. :)
Tienes Talento. :3
He mirado este flash varias veces y como tus otros flashes, siempre me anima a praticar mi FBF. Tus flashes me entretienen bastante. Eres un gran ejemplo para el KK y tambien para NG.
Bien hecho. :)
me tomo un buen tiempo, sino fuera por mi vagancia, creo que el tiempo tomado para crear esto fueron unas 13 horas
Hapy Birthdays :3
For the Porn Kitis. MewMews Hope you resivs manny god things rikes more the cats for your cat farm compounds and used dildos from sides of strets to go with the herds of kitens. :3
Drinks birs andu has the fun. :D
hi mewmew :3
MewMew Lieks :3
This carton is the good one. It shows prety ponies fryings wirth lockets.
It comes to visits the Kitty in the base.
MewMews says:
You are the good animater andu deselves the frontu page.
Mewmews thinks you shorld makes the more of these cartoons with ponies and the kities. :3
thx mewmews ! i love the cats
Miiiiuy Bueno! :3
Me gusto mucho esta caricatura.
Cualquier cosa que se trata de gatos me gusta. Pero esa cancion me hizo muy feliz y la animacion fue tremenda. :3
Esa cancion es una clasica me alegra ver una obra compuesta sobre ella.
Muy buen hecho. :D
The KK is the not good peoples ..
For beeing the cats in the real life. They continues to hurt the inucents of .....
The jolly candies kingdoms of the Newgrounds.
Kitty Krews is vely bad and shourd not be given scraps of the meats from old Sakana that the MewMews gets.
MewMews Says:
Its the okay movie but make the longer and MewMew will come again later and she will review for you.
You do great justice by sumbittings this as this will save the Jolly candy Gumdrop Newglounds Kingdoms. MewMews salutes the you for you hardu work. :D
for that the jolly candies kingdoms of newgrounds may stay clean of racist flashes and users.
Enjoyed the "Plelelelelele" part the most! :D
Other parts were also funny but the "Plelelelelele" part was the part that made MewMews smiles the most. . It reminded her of her home in Osaka.
MewMews is the pleased that you are getting the better in animation skills. Maybe you can be manga artist if you perist in this.
MewMews approves. ^^
ZackZack has herpe-Er....approves.
Seals are teh Cute!!
Yes they are!
Mew Mew Approves of this!
MewMew says:
Teh world can use more love such as this. This cartoon shows love and compassion.
Teh seal was cute and red is a pretty color. Red pretty color. Yes.
Fiven! >_<
xD thank you
I approves of this review!
Deer without body froat over ocean with scornfull. Don't defend the tart monkey with a happy mattress. Is the dream bright moon wishness?
Eatings de Catnipz!
Osaka, Japan
Joined on 10/13/08